Solving Legacy 
Records Challenges 
with Experience!

What's in the box?

Our “What’s in the Box”, or WIB™, is an economically effective technology solution for taking a “look” into physical boxes of paper records without having to dispatch people or hire a vendor to digitize box content.

WIB™ is a patented, homogeneous service that uses a series of cameras on a mobile service platform to capture high quality images of all four box sides, box top, box manifest and the contents (file labels).

The box contents are dynamically OCR’d and ICR’d, then pushed via WIFI to a host platform on Microsoft Azure for analytics and viewing. The customer, via a credentialed login, can view, analyze, report, share, verify, and apply legal holds, mark records for destruction and many, many other actions, ALL FROM THE COMFORT OF HIS/HER DESKTOP.

Legacy Data Solutions

At RadixData we are tasked with rationalizing the data to the objectives of the engagement and deliver a clean and higher order data set which can feed other software applications. Our records expertise includes a deep understanding of the information governance, enterprise content management and records management disciplines.

Our team is comprised of the following skill sets.

  • Records Management Expertise
  • Integrity Management Engineering related to Records
  • Project Management
  • Analytics
  • Database Development
  • Auto-Classification and Auto-Extraction Engineering
  • Custom Workflow Development
  • Physical Records Conversion
1773 Westborough Dr.
Katy, TX 77449